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  • 25 March 2021

Digital Transformation : Covid-19 urging Businesses to transform.

Since last year, we frequently came across terms like Digital Transformation, Work from home, 
, review process, and empowering people in the context of Covid-19 and its multiple derivatives bursting out and forcing lockdown. We all know the impact of lockdown on retail and the economy in general.

Some organisations have closed down or rushed to reduce considerably their cost or even their headcount while others dig into digital transformation. However this word is still scary for non tech savvy SMEs or HODs since they need to swing between

  1. Is it the right time?
  2. It will cost us too much and we need to save money
  3. I don’t know where to start and don’t have time to invest.
  4. We are fire fighting everyday, we cannot make digital transformation.
Let’s try to demystify the disruption that will occur in your organisation.

Digital Transformation explained

Digital transformation also known as digitization to some extent is a fundamental change in how an organization delivers value to its customers, that is, the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, changing how you operate and deliver to clients and also to other stakeholders.

Looking typically at SME or organisation departments, there are a number of tools that you might have come across that we had the opportunity to implement for our clients.

  • Customer relationship Management empowering Property Sales and Rental
  • Enterprise Resource Planning System for a Diesel delivering company with a mobile devices
  • Automation to generate Estimates for an international manufacturer of customised wardrobes
  • Ecommerce system with a centralised stock for a retail outlet in interior furniture.
  • A fluid communication platform for a university to allow ease of communication between students, their lectures, and the administration on their mobile.
  • An e-conciergerie application empowering a Hotel to manage its customer from the booking form to its checkout and looking at all its requests

In all these implementations,, the company values the experience of its customers and cares for how the latter can be more efficient to deal within the organisation in a smarter and quicker way.The disruption does exist, however, it is far less complex to handle than unlike organisations might think about it. The implementation of systems vary mostly from Rs250,000 to Rs800,000 but in specific cases might be more costly.

Our approach towards Digital Transformation.

A key element of digital transformation is understanding  the potential of your technology or actual process. Again that does not mean asking ‘How much faster can we do things the same way?’ . It means asking  ‘Are we trying to solve our real pain points or just using technology we have to use it the way it works? ’. 

Even prior to the pandemic, technology had become an increasingly important part of the workforce. Businesses were looking at technology as a helpful  means of engaging with customers, allowing some workplace flexibility and for a way to introduce automation and faster processes. However, the spread of the novel coronavirus and the shutdown of in-person meetings for non essential businesses accelerated these adoptions immensely, it forced companies to look into creative digital solutions so that the organisations could continue to function remotely and continue to serve their client base. This shift towards digital operations took both a customer- facing and a behind the scenes roles within many businesses.

Digital transformation is a priority for businesses in this era of resilience. Many are adopting tools as a result of the pandemic,to work from home and share documents and emeet. Is it a sustainable way to be more efficient or only resolve a problem to adapt to a remote working environment.

As a digital solution development company and a ZOHO Partner, we surely master the various components of technology to think digitally of what is possible basically.

How we come with a solution:

  1. We provide a discussion forum where we understand your deliverables and your operations to make these deliverables.
  2. We then look into your input methods and your various interactions in the operations.
  3. We define your actual process flow and evaluate what form of digitization can be beneficial to your actual processes.
  4. We conceptualise and test our hypothesis with a number of cases.
  5. We evaluate the time, budget and gains in general.
  6. We then work together to understand if this makes sense to our client and their major concerns, we iterate and refine the process until we agree on a conceptual system.
  7. We design the process and replace it with the systems interaction and automation.
  8. Sometimes we need to develop pieces of code to test our hypothesis
  9. We present and propose to our client - So far so good we continue
  10. We start developing prototype and designing the UI / UX and document our process
  11. We have loads of meetings to finetune the system with the digital champions and the directors.
  12. We deliver and test, refine and iterate the  process and development until we meet a clear state of OK to GO LIVE.
  13. We support the team in this change and monitor the appreciation of the new operations methods

And following our successful implementations, these organisation enjoyed from:

Improved efficiency

One of the most tangible benefits your company might gain from Digital transformation is improved efficiency across the business areas and processes that have been transformed, whereby some processes which require human intervention and that are standardized can be automated.

Improved decision making

As businesses are getting access to more data than ever before, thus data volumes are only increasing. Having connected systems means you can follow behaviour, thus you are able to measure customer activity and this can therefore be analyzed with tools that yield actionable insights.

Improved customer satisfaction

Offering digital tools to your customers will make their lives easier. It makes your business more attractive to potential customers. But most importantly, it keeps you relevant.

Encourages collaboration across department

Many people fear change. However, with encouragement, employees can break down ag gaps and social divides to engage in conversations and learn together solid leadership.

What do we do?

At Nova Interaction , we offer easy business Digital platforms  tools for firms with a layer of custom development. Being an official partner with Zoho, we are able to offer services like Zoho Workplace, Zoho CRM, or Zoho Financial suite which are robust engines to enable your transformation, however we go even further since we connect as well with your Microsoft App like Sharepoint, Teams, One Drive, Office 365 to formulate, Power BI and other Dashboards of operations and report all of these connected with a Powerful CRM Joomla to enhance and ease your Marketing and operations for the smooth running of your organisation.


A business may take on digital transformation for several reasons. But by far the most likely reason is that they have to deal with it’s survival issue by optimising its resources and processes. In the wake of the pandemic, an organisation’s ability to adapt quickly to supply chain disruptions, time to market pressures and rapidly changing customer expectations has become critical. 

Although digital transformation will vary widely based on organisation’s specific challenges and demands, there are a few constants and common themes among existing case studies and published frameworks that all business and technology leaders should consider as they embark on digital transformation. 

We welcome SME and departmentals challenges to bring efficiency and it's totally free of charge to meet or grab a coffee and discuss your pain points in business. 

Do you need help in getting started with digital transformation for your business? Contact us  on 57275005 or 54800535 or drop us an email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., our professional team will work on a strategic plan to lift up your brand and online presence through digital transformation.

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